Please select an animation that you wish to export. Tap "Export".
Select your export destination in the export menu. You should find options like Photo Library, AniZone of iOS Folder. Different export destination support different file formats. For example, you can only export videos to Photo Library.
You can add a single soundtrack for your animated video. In this step, please refer to "
How To Add Sounds To Your Animation".
Tap "Next" after you finish the editing. If you want to skip this step, please also tap "Next".
Select the aspect of ratio by tapping on either 4:3 or 16:9. Tap "Done" once you are done with the setting. Your video is ready to export.
Hi, I love this app, it allowed me to create the animations I wanted for my medical blog. I recently updated my iPad Pro IOS and unfortunately now when I log into the Animation Desk app, the menus on the bottom of the sequences menu is gone. I can no longer export or even create new animations. I checked the update notes for this app and it doesn’t say there was any new updates regarding taking away this feature. I’m happy to pay in order to use this app again but I need to know it is not a bug. Thank you.
Hello Haywan,
We have fixed this problem in recent updates. Please update your Animation Desk to the latest version and have a try again!
We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused.
Thank you!
It works now, thank you very much!
when i select the export option i get to the export screen and there is no option to export. when i select “next” it takes me to the aspect ratio selection pop up then when i select “done” it take me back to the previous screen.
Hello Yung Jake,
Thank you for reporting this problem in detail. You remind us that this post needs an update. We just update posts with step-by-step pictures. Do you mean that the export menu is empty? (like export to AniZone, Photos, App folder, Email, etc.,) in the export menu? Can you tell us more about the missing options?
Gina, Customer Support Team
This app is wonderful, but I have it on my chromebook laptop and the settings are different. Could you help me out with that?
Hello Tess! Thanks for the comments. We release Animation Desk on Google Play too. Welcome to try it out. If you need any tutorials, here is a forum for Android users. Thanks ; )
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