A color palette may consist of one or more colors. The purpose of a color palette is for animators to access and manage colors easily. You can set up unique color palettes for each character or a scene to ensure that the color usage is consistent in your work.
Using the Color Palette
Click on the rainbow circle in the upper right corner to view the color palette tool.
Store Colors: Dropper and Themes
From left to right, these features are,
- Wheel: Select a color in the color wheel, and select the saturation and value in the square by moving the small circle.
- HSV Slider: You can directly enter the value to find the color you need more accurately.
- Palette: A themed palette can store up to 32 colors. You can set specific character or scene palettes to ensure color consistency and manage color schemes.
Manage Colors: Color Wheel, HSV Slider, Palette
- Wheel: Select a color in the color wheel, and select the saturation and value in the square by moving the small circle.
- HSV Slider: You can directly enter the value to find the color you need more accurately.
- Palette: A themed palette can store up to 32 colors. You can set specific character or scene palettes to ensure color consistency and manage color schemes.
Using Palettes
1. Select the "Add New Palette" button in the right-hand corner to add a set of themed colors.
2. Name your new palette for future reference.
3. You can add colors from the color wheel, HSV slider, eyedropper tool, and more to find the perfect palette.
4. To access your palette, select the "Palette" view.
Toggle Themes and Palettes
When you have multiple sets of themed palettes and swatches, and you want to edit one of the swatches, you must set the swatch you want to edit as "default", as follows:
1. Press the three dots in the "Palette" page.
2. Select a palette, then click "Set as Default."
3. You can then use the color wheel, HSV sliders, or color dropper tool to add colors to the selected palette.
Long-tap on the color to delete the color.
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